Dear OSJ Family,

As I mentioned to those at the 9:30am Mass last Sunday, the 9:30am Mass is the only liturgy at OSJ where the congregation remains standing (and not kneeling) after receiving communion. When I first arrived here almost ten moths ago and saw this, I asked many parishioners and staff why this was the case. In all truth, no one seemed to know why, nor could anyone offer and explanation!  I do know that in some chapels and churches where there are no kneelers continual standing is the practice, and that seems to make sense in those cases.

After speaking with former Jesuits and staff here I learned that almost ten years ago, in an effort to better organize the flow of the communion line, the practice of standing became the custom at the 9:30am Mass at OSJ. Now that we have established an effective way of proceeding, that provision is no longer needed.

Given this, and after consultation with our parish liturgy advisory committee and the priests, beginning July 3rd at the 9:30am Mass, we will all kneel (as one is able) after the Lamb of God and remain kneeling (or sitting) until the tabernacle is closed. This is consistent with the liturgical guidelines and norms, and is in practice at all of the other Masses at OSJ. In doing so we are reminded that we are one Body in Christ, united in faith, practice and most of all, love.

Thank you for continuing to help us to make Old Saint Joseph’s Church a place for prayerful worship and reverent liturgy as we seek to grow closer to God.

God bless,

Fr. Phil Florio, S.J.

321 Willings Alley
Philadelphia, PA 19106

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Mass Schedule
Sunday at 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM

Tues., Wed., & Thurs. at 12:05 PM