Dear OSJ Family-

Today our parish youth along with some from other parishes–sixteen in all–that participate in the  parish PREP program, celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation  at our 11:30am Mass. It is a beautiful celebration of their faith and Bishop John McIntyre, Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia, will preside over the liturgy and invoke the Holy Spirit to confirm them according to the ancient rite of the Church!

We are very proud of these talented young people and their commitment to the Lord! They have studied, prayed, discussed, and participated in a day of retreat and service to prepare for this Sacrament. We are also thankful to their parents, sponsors and guardians for encouraging them to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and with God’s people, the Church.

We are especially grateful to Christine Szczepanowski and Helen Grady, of the parish PREP program, for teaching them and leading them to this special day!

We are confident that these young people have embraced the Church’s teachings and learned well that their confirmation in the Lord is also a confirmation of their belonging to all of us, God’s people united in or holy faith. What a blessing and a grace!

Let us please lift up in prayer these young people confirmed today, and their families, as they grow in greater faith, hope and love!

Holy God,

We raise our young people confirmed in their faith today to you for your  loving care. We rejoice in their faith journey and ask you to be their guide, guardian, and help. Let them feel the love of their church family as they begin a new chapter in their lives. Reveal to them your plan – your good, perfect, and pleasing will – for their lives. Surround them with your Holy Spirit, instilling in each the confidence only you can provide.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Congratulations and God bless you!

Fr Phil Florio, SJ



321 Willings Alley
Philadelphia, PA 19106

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Mass Schedule
Sunday at 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM

Tues., Wed., & Thurs. at 12:05 PM