Dear OSJ Family,

In the meaningful rituals of our Roman Catholic tradition, various elements–the scriptures to be read, the psalms to be sung, the communion to be shared–call for many gifts from many different people acting together. That is when the Church best celebrates liturgy with great reverence, dignity and beauty. We strive for those elements here at OSJ at each Mass. By the nature of our baptism, all of us are called to minister to one another in our sacred worship. With that, I ask that as the New Year begins and resolutions are made, you please consider joining one of our liturgical ministries at OSJ. We need you, and it is your right and privilege to serve! Please consider serving in the following liturgical ministries:

Lectors: Lectors proclaim the Word of God and are an integral part of all liturgies. Individuals interested in this ministry must be in at least the fifth grade and must be able to proclaim loudly and clearly so that all can hear and learn from God’s word.

Altar Servers: An altar server assists the Presider in the sanctuary at all liturgical celebrations throughout the year. This ministry is open to all youth in fifth grade and above as well as all of our adults.

Liturgy Committee: The Liturgy Committee works closely with Sister Asunta, our Liturgy Coordinator, and collaborates on the planning and coordinating of all the various ministries involved in our parish worship.

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest each week with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ. We welcome persons 15 years of age or older, and a fully initiated Catholic in order to participate in this ministry.

Hospital Ministers: These Ministers of Holy Communion administer the Body and Blood of Christ to our sick sisters and brothers at Pennsylvania Hospital (the hospital which our priests cover and visit frequently). We welcome persons 18 years of age or older, and a fully initiated Catholic in order to participate in this ministry.

Ushers: It is the usher’s ministry to greet people warmly, to help people sit together, to pass out hymnals, song sheets, to care for any needs (if someone gets sick, or other emergencies), to take up the collection, to help with good order at communion and to distribute bulletins.

Environment: The Environment Committee is responsible for seasonal decorations in our worship space, the courtyard, and the Walnut Street patio. They also help with large parish gatherings such as St. Ignatius Day and St. Joseph Day.

Hospitality Ministers: These generous persons organize, execute and promote the coffee hour socials that follow the 9:30 am and 11:30 am Masses.

Music Ministry: Our parish stands firm in the belief that beautiful sacred music fosters and enhances our common prayer. Those who volunteer for Music Ministry include choir members, cantors, and instrumentalists. Training is provided for all Music Ministers on an individual basis and in group settings.

Training for all of these ministries is provided on a regular basis. If you are interested in sharing your talents in the liturgical ministries please contact Sister Asunta Thanh, acj at and specifically for music, please contact Pat Montenegro at

Thank you for your kind consideration and God bless!

Fr Phil Florio, SJ


321 Willings Alley
Philadelphia, PA 19106

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Mass Schedule
Sunday at 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM

Tues., Wed., & Thurs. at 12:05 PM