Dear OSJ Family,

I write this week offering you an invitation to help our great parish to be even better! As you may know, our parish supports several religious education programs, a growing young adult ministry, social outreach and a vibrant liturgical life. We have many generous parishioners, along with our dedicated parish staff, to thank for that! You ought to know that so many of the ministries offered here are offered not by our priests alone but by a number of devoted lay persons like yourself, who care enough about the spiritual life of our parish to serve and to give of themselves to others! We could not and would not thrive without all of us sharing our gifts and talents together. It is only as a united body that we can build up Christ’s Kingdom here on earth.

In our time, the Second Vatican Council affirmed the unity of all believers in Christ as well as the distinct and diverse gifts laypeople can offer in the worship, mission and spiritual life of the Church. For almost 50 years now, lay ministers have served as lectors, acolytes, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, directors of religious education, youth ministers, ministers of worship and liturgy, and in so many other diverse and much needed roles.

This is where the invitation is for YOU today, OSJ needs your generous and dedicated service to help our liturgical life to flourish and grow. Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Hospital Ministers, Music Ministers (both musicians and singers) Ushers, Hospitality Ministers, and Lectors are needed to help keep our beautiful liturgies and parish life growing. We must expand our numbers and draw in as many hands as possible if we are to do this together! If not you, then who? If not now, then when?  PLEASE CONSIDER serving YOUR parish in one of these roles, even if only on occasion.  Training will be provided and scheduling is flexible. Please contact the respective ministry coordinator for more information: Altar Servers: Donna Soultoukis –, Hospital and Extraordinary Ministers: Christine Szczepanowski –, Lectors: Rich DeFortuna –, Ushers: Nikola Sizgorich –, Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Peggy Connolly –,  and Music Ministry: Pat Montenegro –

Thank you and God bless!

© 2015 Fr. Philip Florio, S.J.

321 Willings Alley
Philadelphia, PA 19106

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Mass Schedule
Sunday at 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM

Tues., Wed., & Thurs. at 12:05 PM